Knowledge is Power

We change lives through education

If you give a man a fish, you have fed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish, you have fed hin for a lifetime.
We empower the community through education at various levels and through various platforms.

Competitive Edge

Through collaboration with the teachers and parents of the schools within our parish, our primary schools have been able to register the best results in the region. As a result we send some of our students to national schools.

Girl Child Education

As a result of the vulnerability of the girl child in our region, we established St. Gabriel's Girls Hostel to offer a secure environment for the education of the girl child. In fact most of the student we have sent to national schools are girls from the hostel.


Through the donations we receive from Christians and well wishers, we identify needy and bright students and sponsor them through school. The number of students sponsored depends on the donations we have received.

Sirimba Mission School

Due to our interest in education, our parish project is the ongoing construction of the Sirimba Mission School classroom and office block. The Mission School is already in operation at the primary level.

Mission School Project

Our ongoing Mission school project. It is a ten classroom block with departmental offices en suite. We intend to complete this block through this year's funds drive.

St. Gabriel Girls' Hostel

Our state of the art girls' hostel. A serene environment for the promotion of the girl child education. We are proud of sending our girls to national schools every year.

Hostel Office

Sr. Rajashri, who is incharge of the hostel at work in the hostel office. Our Hosten is under the management of Sisters of St. Anne of Lucern.