St. Cajetan Sirimba Parish

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will,
and it shall be done for you.


Our Three-fold Mission

Our Parish is committed to executing Jesus' great commission to His disciples in a three-fold manner; spiritually, intellectually and physically. As a result, our Parish comprises of the Church, Schools and the Dispensary.


As a Church, we are devoted to the spiritual formation of the human person.


In collaboration with the six public primary and two secondary schools under our sponsorship, and the recently established Mission school, we endeavor to produce intellectually astute and responsible global citizens.


Through St. Jude Sirimba Dispensary, we are committed Pro-Lifers. Since life is a noble and priceless gift from God, we crusade for procreation, protection and sustenance of life.

Our Projects

We are working on having a fully Catholic Mission School. As a result we have a recently established St. Mary's Mission School that is still in its cradle stage. The following is just a snap view of the classromm block that is under contruction and the recently completed hostel and dining hall that are already in use.


Under Construction





Our Facilities

Our facilities are aimed at facilitating the achievement of the Three-fold Mission of nourishing the soul, the mind and the body.

Our Heritage

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

St. Gabriel's Girls Hostel

Our girls hostel has a capacity of 350. The hostel offers the best environment for for empowerment of the girl child through primary school education.

St. Jude Sirimba Dispensary

"Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well." And instantly the woman was made well. Matthew 9:22

Novena Prayer to St. Cajetan
The Patron Saint of Job Seekers